Thursday, January 29, 2004

The word 'no' is a lexical ninja.
It preys on ideas.

i was sittingly drunkenly on the bus last night...halfway between sleep and spinning consciousness...when this dude starts talking to several of us passengers...he tells us that we need to find God...and that we could do it through His word...another drunk, who was standing at the door waiting to get off, became angry and told the apostle to shut up and that he wipes his ass with God's word...after the drunk had left the apostle told me that that man needed salvation...i asked him what 'the word' said about abortion...he said it was a muderous sin...what about Muslims? i asked...they are heathens who worship Lucifer he said...i kind of lost it...."so your God is real strong eh? why don't you put him on a tee and drive him up the fairway, be sure to check the cup, you might have gotten a hole in one...right up my ass!" i'm not sure what i was trying to say exactly, but i got up and slipped as i tried to kick his shin...the bus driver stopped and yelled at me to get off...i laughed all the way home...