Saturday, January 10, 2004

Power as a variable in the equation
of practical philosophy overrides and twists
the result

saw a movie about Lord Byron today...played by Johnny Lee Miller...there was a moment when young Byron was introduced to a writer's circle...unheralded poets at best who had not yet received (as if they could) the acclaim the first celebrity gained...he entered humbly into their midst and listened to their somewhat pretentious (but acceptable) ideas about i watched i wondered what would have sat there lurking behind his dead-pan expression...later on in his life he would have pulled a verbal Rimbaud...pissing on the old-fashioned, Neo-classical approach to aesthetics...Byron sat at the head of a table of revolutionary minds....Wordsworth...both Shelley's...Coleridge...his placement at the head was the result, of course, of his infamy...he sits as one of my heroes though he definitely be an unsavoury bastard...his genius is with without doubt...a glance at his play Cain reveals his vitality...

Neo-Romanticism and its late resurgence comes with a scourge...never has there been such bad, black-cape, charnel-house poetry since poetry's emergence.....