Wednesday, January 14, 2004

One day, after humans have long passed,
explorers will come to our planet and their
anthropologists will chuckle at how we
took our lives so seriously despite having
such a short lifespan.

so El Presidente wants back to the moon...then build a base to jumpstart travel to Mars...sure...fine with me...deflection of issue concentration for sure....if he had any idea about what he was talking about, then he would have mentioned the radical projects that NASA intends for comet research...what a disingenuous little Texan...

decided to read Tropic of Cancer for perhaps the 8th time...Miller is a fucker that is dear to my heart...his biography of Rimbaud (if you can call it that) was spectacular...i wish i hadn't sold the larger part of my book collection for spare parts to a now-defunct band van...i'm an idiot....