Saturday, January 24, 2004

If this dimension
is not the base of all possible dimensions,
then we are merely one of the choices not taken
by our counterparts in the base dimension.

saw this french film called Thomas in Love...the protagonist (Thomas) is an agoraphobic who sees people only through takes place probably within a hundred years from now...Thomas' insurance company, Globale, takes care of everything he might need...he, of course, can't leave his dwelling...his insurance-provided therapist enrolls him in a dating service that leads him to girl he falls in love with...she is a prostitute for the handicapped...a medical prostitute, sanctioned by the insurance company...she was placed there as an alternative to a prison term she would have had to serve...when Thomas first calls her company, he catches her in the midst of tears...this human side to her character intrigues him...the story goes from there...

In Thomas' world one can have sex without truly being in proximity to another person via a cybersex suit...would love to have an option like that....considering my girlfriend lives in Montreal...............