Wednesday, January 07, 2004

phone calls from friends...people seem to be falling apart...the year hasn't yet healed from a severed umbilical cord...have Ritchie Havens stuck in my a good thing......outside my window i can see a violently packed real cold overnight...the Nord in my blood is pulsing a little more heavily these days...want to kick some (metaphorical) ass....been thinking about a screenplay a buddy is writing...young writers in film have a penchant for the epic...his script, or at least the ideas therein, would require a number of movies...set in the year 5293 or so...jesus...he is helping to organize a poetry reading for mid-February...wants me to play and sing...fuck that...want to read...but i hate poetry readings...such a masturbatory act...should take the whole lot fishing...drink red wine and whiskey...puke and eat raw fish...then die...nothing new has happened yet to kick off the year....some calamity awaits behind a curtain...and i am holding my breath.....