Friday, January 16, 2004

Poetry is as the sound
of two
in conversation
with their heads tight together.

got a bad feeling...something is going down..can't tell if it involves me or not...last night i got into an extremely political discussion with an Indian, a German, a Hungarian, two Russians, and a Red-Cross volunteer of unknown origin...everyone, except the Russians, wanted to talk about Rohinton Mistry...the Russians argued with eachother about Chechens...i told them that Russian literature kicked ass in the 19th century...they looked at me blankly...i asked after Lenin's health...they left...the guy from India moved into the neighborhood a few weeks supposed to go for some Karaoke with him tonight...Jim Morrison will rise again and i'll get boo'd offstage for singing The End...then i'll try some Johnny Cash...'cuz i walk the line when the man comes around..hehe...i'm an idiot..