Monday, March 08, 2004

The word 'quiet' looks
a lot like the word 'quit.'

saw The Passion of the Christ this evening...yikes!...a packed theatre of teary-eyed and outraged folk...i kept having this vision of Clint Eastwood circa The Good the Bad and the Ugly coming out of nowhere to rescue Jesus...blowing away centurions and Pharisees with his six-guns...then Jesus insisting that this is what he has to do...unfortunately Clint don't understand Aramaic...

to tell the truth...i found the movie quite painful...particularly the moments that flashed back into Jesus' life...when he wasn't bloodied and mangled...but rather gentle in his a Semitic Buddha...that didn't have water-retention problems...and could make a mean table...the actress who played Mary Magdalene was beautiful...and i couldn't help but have lewd thoughts knowing she was once a prostitute...shame on me!