Friday, March 26, 2004

Three days before Jesus' execution,
someone from the 20th century went
back in time in a fit of guilt-ridden
religious ecstasy. They brought with
them an M-14 semi-automatic rifle
and proceeded to teach Peter how to
use it. At first Peter was confused, but
the time traveler was able to convince him
of what was to happen. When Jesus was
brought before the High Priest Caiaphas and
the Sanhedrin, Peter stopped the guards
from beating Jesus by firing into the air.
Everyone stepped back as Peter undid the
Lord's manacles. "What the fuck art thou
doing Petros?" asked the Lord. "They're going
to torture you until you look like ground beef,
Rabbi," answered Peter. "What?" "And then
crucify you!" Peter interrupted. "Fucketh that!"
said Jesus. As Peter tried to lead the Messiah away,
guards came to stop them. "What now Petros?"
asked a nervous Son of Man. "Watch" and Peter
blew away the Temple guards. Thus, mankind
was never saved and our would-be Saviour became
the symbol for the National Rifle Association.

second time around...was more enjoyable this time...the subtle nuances came forward in delicate jewels..