Wednesday, March 31, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet students
are divided according to their
temperament. In order to
facilitate positive learning
environments, students that are
aggressive are placed with others
that have similar aggressive levels.
If a student is found to have even
greater levels of aggression, they
are placed in an environment with
other exceedingly aggressive students.
Thus, each student's childhood experience
will be within the context of equalized power.

writing an essay for a friend...going to write on Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf...the thesis will revolve around the avarice of the bourgeois in that time...has to be done for a research i'll have to get to a big library...shit...

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Haiku #6

Pond with an industrious beaver,
soft pine needles carpet the forest floor
leading to the termite mounds punctuating the distance.

the search for an apartment continues...want to be closer to the downtown core...but still within anonymity's fringes...
If an entity in your dreams
were to realize that they are a
production of your subconscious
would they despair?

turns out we aren't getting yesterday's to keep searching...

Monday, March 29, 2004

One should always
remember that a lie
cannot be so separated
from the truth that it
becomes completely detached.

found an apartment today...we talked to a cabbie who told us the area was pretty decent...just as we were deliberating, this short, red-faced man asked us through his lower teeth for a "ten"...if we look like dealers, then the neighborhood can't be that bad.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Why is it that you feel
that you can determine
what another's happiness
guns prove that laws are correct.

For the self there is always black and white;
for the other there can only be grey.

band practice sleep thus i'll be sure to wreck out...big xes for some point i'm going to be in desperate need for regular shut-eye...

Friday, March 26, 2004

Three days before Jesus' execution,
someone from the 20th century went
back in time in a fit of guilt-ridden
religious ecstasy. They brought with
them an M-14 semi-automatic rifle
and proceeded to teach Peter how to
use it. At first Peter was confused, but
the time traveler was able to convince him
of what was to happen. When Jesus was
brought before the High Priest Caiaphas and
the Sanhedrin, Peter stopped the guards
from beating Jesus by firing into the air.
Everyone stepped back as Peter undid the
Lord's manacles. "What the fuck art thou
doing Petros?" asked the Lord. "They're going
to torture you until you look like ground beef,
Rabbi," answered Peter. "What?" "And then
crucify you!" Peter interrupted. "Fucketh that!"
said Jesus. As Peter tried to lead the Messiah away,
guards came to stop them. "What now Petros?"
asked a nervous Son of Man. "Watch" and Peter
blew away the Temple guards. Thus, mankind
was never saved and our would-be Saviour became
the symbol for the National Rifle Association.

second time around...was more enjoyable this time...the subtle nuances came forward in delicate jewels..
Dying immediately is preferable
to getting shot in the stomach
and having lots of time to realize
that yes, you are dying, and for
the first time truly investigate death.

i'm a masochist...going to see The Passion the slaughter i go...

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Theoretical Problem #2

You are extremely close with a high-profile drug dealer,
though you don't know how high-profile. You have known
him since childhood. He has never done anything out of
malice. You are awoken by a phone call just after 3 in the
morning. It is your friend. You can barely make out what
he is saying. You quickly get dressed and drive out to his
place. The door is locked. You knock continuously. You end
up having to climb in through a window. You enter the livingroom
and see about a pint's worth of blood splattered on the floor.
You call your friend's name. He answers from the bathroom.
You rush in and find him hovering over a female body that is
draped over the tub's edge. Her hair is matted with blood,
and her skin looks inhumanly pale. Your friend is completely
distraught. He keeps mumbling through sobs about how he
tried to save her, but she overdosed. You immediately go to
phone an ambulance. He rushes out and stops you, staring
frantically and repeating that you can't, he'll get caught, his business
associates will kill him, and that you have to help him get rid of her.
What do you do?

some girl just called...speaking in some other language...calling me by name however...what a surreal day...
Humanity is one big
game of telephone tag.

i keep getting phone calls..15 so far...from some dude who i can't understand telling me to bring the girl i brought last week somewhere down the street...this is some elaborate joke...but i'm playing along...i used every voice i know...including Clint Eastwood...i think i'll freak out next time and see what happens...
We are all organic robots
infused with some essence
that we have labeled consciousness.
Between the stark contrast of black
and white reality, there is a thin line
called the 'grey area.' Humans excel
at taking this line and expanding it into
impossible complexity, essentially rendering
any solution an unattainable spectre.

sitting around trying to figure out whether or not to paint the far no good...we apparently found a place...but i'll leave it up to the others to determine...

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

My dick has next to no influence on my personality.
Only rarely does my dick interrupt my thoughts.

thus i am ubermensch....
News From a Distant Planet:

The Tri-Planetary committee has selected the
distant planet to provide ethical monitor for
the species capture and study mission. It
had been discovered that planets such as Earth
have developed a deep psychic fear of the
Tri-Planetary astronauts. The distant
planet will monitor the project to ensure
that the captured subjects will be treated
gently and non-invasively.

editing last night...tremendous fun....laughed so damn hard...

Monday, March 22, 2004

Haiku #5

Tepid-watered pond
lined with stripped-bark Birch trees
shrug-shirking the rudiments of winter.

back at the farm today...birthday party for roommate's mother...held in my hands a music from long passed days/daze....

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Theoretical Problem #1

Your best friend's girlfriend has broken up
with him and he is beside himself. He's been
staying at your apartment and has barely moved.
You get a strange phone call at work from her
where she says that she needs to speak with
you. You tell her you'll call her back. You tell
your best friend, who figures that she is trying
to communicate with him through you. You call
her back and agree to meet her at a neutral pub.
Your friend preps you for every possible question.
You get to the pub early, but she is already there.
She seems a little over-dressed. You get to talking,
and she tells you thatr she isn't ready to talk
about the breakup yet; she is still too shaky.
Drinks come and go and you start to get bleary.
She seems fine and keeps asking what's wrong.
You black out. You wake in her apartment.
You aren't wearing anything. She tells you that
the two of you had fucked. You say that that is
impossible. She describes perfectly a tattoo on your
chest, and then tells you exactly how it went in the
order of the positions. You realize that her description
fits your routine exactly. She tells you that your best
friend did all sorts of bad things to her including rape
and battery. She wants to get back at him, intending
to do so via yourself. You tell her that you don't believe
her. She shows you a video tape of one such occasion
taken from a concealed camera. If you choose not to help
her she will show your best friend and the world photos she
took of you in bed last night. What do you do?

had a first day of spring barbecue today...surrounded by friends and their too-young-to-have-kids children...couldn't take the noise...said nothing...hid in my cerebrum....

Friday, March 19, 2004

America is where ancient gods
retire in their anonymity.

phone call day/daze...gonna see some people...mustn't get'll be a long way home...

Thursday, March 18, 2004

"If all will collapse into one,
then what will that collapse into?"

zen koan...paradox...need to start editing something soon...too much wine...leaf win....over tough competition...lack of subject matter=sign off...
True Story of an Ingenious Hoax:

In the 1930s Troy Hugh, a successful artist,
became disenchanted with the elitism of
high society. He was asked to produce a
painting for a charity auction. When he
heard that no one "common" would be granted
entry, he worked on some pieces and displayed
them around the exterior of the patron's
mansion. They were all painted signs that
read "picnic parties welcome," "free merry-go-
round for the children," and "family parties welcome."
The patron was horrified to find her mansion
bombarded with children and adults from a
different caste.
Haiku #4

Copse by the rail bridge
a lethargic stream sluicing by
Spring yawns as it shoves Winter.

little to report...learned next to nothing yesterday...a blip in my life i won't recall five years hence...just part of the theme...time for some inspiration...Henry Miller always seems to do the trick in these moments...

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet peoples' brains are
able to alter mind-sets instantaneously.
When an individual realizes that they
have some sort of character flaw, they
are able to alter their demeanours
immediately. On Earth when one realizes
they are controlling, they have to undergo
a process of change. On the distant planet
this process is actualized in a moment.

searched the internet for jobs today...spent hours at it...came up with next to nothing...used different job locating search-engines....didn't have any results for counter-intelligence or espionage...hitman and prostitute were out as well...gonna be harder than i thought...

Monday, March 15, 2004

Haiku #3

A lonesome Evergreen,
flanked by empty Poplars
across a honeyed filed,
stirs in its windy tallness.

new exciting...284 bucks worth...need brain cancer...darn pleased...
Haiku #2

winter-fallowed field;
a boxer charging across memories
of Hungarian Kommondor tramplings.

a gentle exercise today...brushed the farm out of our ailing canine...preparing her for the vet...won three ping-pong games to collect six bucks off a nascent brother...hail to the king...
News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet all look vastly
different. There are no prejudices
based upon appearance as everyone
is baffled by eachother's countenance.

no band practice yesterday...thought the dog was dying...just a bloody nose...she sneezed on my leg and bloodied my pants...the bitch....the farm is always tranquil...pastoral feeling good for a few hours...then back to the city...where there are noises aplenty.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

We are brainwashed
into thinking
we are not brainwashed.

endless abstract days/ much to speak of in terms of dynamism...lack of focus certainly feels like a left eyelid won't stop twitching..will see doctor on the morrow...decided not to worry about what position the leafs find themselves in come the playoffs...screw it...if hockey is all i can come up with, then i'd better sign off...

Friday, March 12, 2004

Haiku #1

inkbrush evergreen atop the drumlin
waves at a glacier that passed long ago

future...future...future...hmmm...gotta do something with my life is there...which way...we'll see...

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Some may be inclined to believe
that terrorism is an art.

they strike again!...and in Spain...perfect timing for the Bush campaign...and more will watch hockey..just the types that hockey doesn't want...

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

All the important 'firsts' noted
in history weren't actually firsts.

strep-throat...going back to Toronto in the morning..well...later this morning...Montreal has had it with me, but the eating has been good....looking forward to a refreshed start to a new project...what?...haven't a clue...
There is always
a final option.

saw Sylvia tonight...Gwyneth ain't bad...the movie managed to hover just above ennui and just below madness...some sullen stuff, however...

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

One cannot go too wrong
if they constantly ask themself,
"Did it have to be this way?"

took four movies in succession to wean me from 'the saviour terror'...Tombstone, Joe Kidd, The Missing, and School of reasonably certain that mutilation images will no longer pierce me (no pun intended) every time i close my eyes...

Monday, March 08, 2004

Jesus, the undead zombie terror of Nazareth
stormed from his sepulchre outside Jerusalem,
having required three days and nights to push
the stone from the opening, and terrorized the
city folk. Three Roman legions were sent to the
scene, only to be mauled by the very-pissed-off
son of God. He hadn't known that he'd be
resurrected as a zombie lord.

the day after...something about that movie left a definite impression...nothing, of course, about the beauty of a gentle teacher...but about his catastrophic this what people who adhere to Christianity are to remember? don't make any sense....
The word 'societal' looks
a lot like the word 'suicidal.'

upon reflection...if one breaks down the Jesus movie...take away its historical/religious significance...pretend you don't know the guy and story...all you have is a movie of someone getting the living shit mutilated out of where's the moral value?
The word 'quiet' looks
a lot like the word 'quit.'

saw The Passion of the Christ this evening...yikes!...a packed theatre of teary-eyed and outraged folk...i kept having this vision of Clint Eastwood circa The Good the Bad and the Ugly coming out of nowhere to rescue Jesus...blowing away centurions and Pharisees with his six-guns...then Jesus insisting that this is what he has to do...unfortunately Clint don't understand Aramaic...

to tell the truth...i found the movie quite painful...particularly the moments that flashed back into Jesus' life...when he wasn't bloodied and mangled...but rather gentle in his a Semitic Buddha...that didn't have water-retention problems...and could make a mean table...the actress who played Mary Magdalene was beautiful...and i couldn't help but have lewd thoughts knowing she was once a prostitute...shame on me!

Sunday, March 07, 2004

It ain't worth shootin'
if ya can't shoot steady.

watched Open Range...typical western plot with a few twists...aaron if you read this, check it out...Robert Duvall's character is worth it...kind of like how Sam Elliot's character is worth it in We Were, however, ready fer the pullins' me a philly and she ain't done worshipin'...sheeeittt...

Saturday, March 06, 2004

The more one ponders,
the more ridiculous
everything becomes.

sore throat better...last night it was unbearable...been thinking about metabolism...didn't get very far...the thoughts were digested...witticism is ostensibly lost in my case...damn...

Friday, March 05, 2004

The notion of stability
is dialectically opposed
to nature.

sore supposed to party tonight...don't know...want to see Fog Of War...ever since steve reveled in the bloody thing...a rainy Montreal day....
A Lesson in the Word: America
(a story in anagrams)

came cram mar crime ire era CIA

in Montreal with the little darling...we cant a little Even Cowgirls Get the Blues...Robbins is okay in my books....

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

True Story of an Ingenious Hoax:

During the American Rebellion, Benjamin Franklin
published an account of how much the British
were paying their Hessian conscripts. The truth,
however, was that the Hessians weren't being paid
at all. When the Hessians read Franklin's article,
they assumed that they were being hoodwinked
by their superior officer. A minor revolt ensued,
throwing the British army into momentary confusion
to the soundtrack of Benjamin Franklin's laughter.
News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet psychologists
have given up on the notion of solving
repressed traumatic experiences. They
turned the matter over to the scientist at
the Academy for Cerebral Well-Being.
The scientist were able to develop mnemonic
extraction techniques, that would isolate
and remove the damaged memory, and replace
it with a logical memory structure that flowed
with the concurrent experiences from the traumatic

off to Montreal tomorrow...watched movies in my normal sleepless state...saw Levity...desperately depressing and fascinating...

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

If one could breath on Venus,
they'd be able to look up into
the sky and wave to their friends
on the other side of the planet.

blew an intercostal muscle during the last song of band practice the other day...felt like someone separated a rib with a crowbar...thus, i was unable to make it to the colossal editing session scheduled for that evening...been reading about that crazy-bearded Whitman...what a character...but do lengthy lines make a poet great?...