Sunday, February 29, 2004

If one wishes to ponder the
multifarious nature of the
universe, they must but
stare into their palm.

Frank Sinatra saved my life...i prayed to the cosmos...and Frank answered...i am to do it 'my way' is all in a sentence...verbalized ideas require a slathering of words..the sentence...
News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet artists are
prized above all other professions.
Artists are able to continue their work
as it is the method by which cultural
legacies are left.

internet not working at me 'ouse! practice..can't hear a damn thing...gonna be a long night...gotta do some emergency editing for the screenplay from 5296...we're talking 80+ practice saps one's creative abilities...just want to sleep...

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Truth is at the head
of a trail of dead bodies.

The Corporation is being broadcasted in TVO tonight...seeing it again makes one aware of the dire need for legitimate dialogue...but we won't...and we're all going to hell....
True Story of an Ingenious Hoax:

In 1906 57 year-old Berliner Wilhelm
Voight, a failure who had spent the
better part of his life in jail, noticed
the respect accorded members of the
elite Prussian guard. He purchased
a used captain's uniform and immediately
was treated with respect. Comfortable
with his new ruse, Voight entered a
Prussian guard barracks and told them
he had a special mission. He commandeered
a train and traveled to the town of Kopenick
with his unit. His men cordoned off city
hall and brought the mayor to Voight for
interrogation. After convincing the local
police chief of his authority, he proceeded
to question the town treasurer. He threatened
the man with legalities who then turned over
the town's financial records and money to the
pseudo-captain. Voight ordered his troops
to escort the mayor to Berlin for further
questioning. Voight then took a train back
to Berlin, only to emerge as his real (and much richer)
self when he arrived. Authorities in Berliner
realized that they had been swindled. Voight
was captured trying to flee Germany a few days
later. He was sentenced to four years, but the
public's mirthful support of the ruse prompted
Kaiser Wilhelm to issue a pardon. Voight later
acted in the theatres of America, re-enacting the
swindle he had pulled on the Prussian guard.
Hidden in the Word: President
(a story in anagrams)

desire siren piper pride
spite tripe pest serpent.

Toronto days/daze...looking for a new apartment...bed bugs have won..we give up...

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

The distant planet has been in touch
with several planets for some time.
There are two planets in particular
that have joined with the distant
planet to establish the Tri-Planetary
. This organization
is devoted to compiling a compendium
on the natural histories of the three

Recently, Earth was discovered to have
intelligent life. That section of the Cosmos
has now been cordoned off.

friend withdrawal...been an asshole since sunday afternoon...i'm a mood anti-chameleon..

Sunday, February 22, 2004

The truth is that i'm thirsty.
I'm a writer, see me dance;
before i write to you i do
stretches; I jog on the spot
to prepare for you. I'm limber
and ready for your needs.

fuck u

Saturday, February 21, 2004

One is equally disgusting
as their own disgust.

evening...blustery Newmarket...Southern on the corner and i am reborn...what will be the future? kamerad asked...when my mug is empty says i...
News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet a group
of scientists at the Centre for
Planetary Comprehension
have developed technology
that allows one to perfectly
express their thoughts/emotions/sensibilities.
A helmet is fitted and all of one's
facets are represented in
three dimensions. Others
can 'plug into' the thought-shape
to download the array of
communicated blitzkrieg.

detox day...feeling better...when one's body is less poisonous, so too are their will be spent in thought...climaxing in a classic hockey match-up between the Canadiens and Maple Leafs...a glorious evening indeed...

Friday, February 20, 2004

Would the characters in our
dreams despair if they were
to find out that they are
merely products of our unconscious?

went to the Royal Ontario Museum today...colossal waste of time...been on a bender for a always happens this i'm moody and sullen...the old brain could use some sunshine...but i can't reach her on the phone...

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet there is an organization
devoted to the proper historical placement of
individuals according to their sensibilities. The
Planetary Society of Situation Temporality, PSST
for short, concerns itself with placing individuals
in their most favourable societal and historical niche.
Recently a young man applied to PSST for a
grant to live two hundred spans in the past.
The individual's life and biochemical patterns
were studied, and it was found that they qualified
for Direct Insertion. Direct Insertion
is available only to those in dire need of a temporal
relocation. The individual was downloaded into
a computer to live in a virtual facsimile of the
distant planet two hundred spans ago. back to the Toronto area today...less fearsomely cold developing several ideas regarding the immersion of humans into the galactic community....

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Why are there razor blades
underneath your words?

its freezing here in the northern capital...the others are in the other room watching Benny and Joon...the Leaf game exclaims above my keyboard...there are paintings on the walls that i did years ago and gave away as the time i thought i might have talent, but as i see them now...i realize my complete lack...which is fine...on the wall sits a sullen-looking portrait of Baudelaire that was painted by a friend some years ago...he possessed talent...

to some degree, i wish i had taken some art classes in high school...i was more focused on playing the trombone...a ridiculous instrument for a ridiculous person...
There's a story of an elderly man
obsessed with his death. For thirty
designed and chiseled away at his
tombstone. One day, when he had
been working for many hours, his
chisel slipped from his grip and plunged
into his brain, killing him instantly.

in Ottawa, behind the parliament buildings, there's a stray cat was built in the late 70's and looks similar to a series of little apartments...the cats function together like a colony...Canada's capital rules...

Monday, February 16, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet no one
has a static job. People are
rotated within fields determined
by their aptitudes. A doctor will
not only perform typical medical
tasks, but everything clerical with
regards to the administration of
medical care. A garbage collector
one day will be a data-entrist the
next. Thus the entirety of the
society encounters no income schisms,
and the resultant subjugation.

got to Ottawa yesterday...'s been a rather drunken affair...from the moment i stepped from the car...friends of liberated natures combined with a little booze leads to beatification...played with my friend's little boy...we wrestled and he kicked my ass...have rug burns on my forehead...everyone here seeks to goad me into verbal duels...but i am no pistolero...i'm a saber-man...i like to think my wit is like Occam's razor...but, in the end, i am still a fucking idiot.....

Sunday, February 15, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet, citizens have the right
to commit a crime in order to prevent catastrophe.
Recently, several youths blocked the rerouting of a subway line.
When the authorities came in, the youths claimed article 5; a
statute that calls for immediate investigation of any perception
of colossal danger. After a brief investigation, the authorites
found that the Subway line would have destroyed the habitat
of numerous and precious species that the distant planet
has committed to protect. The would-be dissidents were
heralded as heroes.

beforing finally falling asleep this morning, i had an aleatory my thoughts dwindled and searched for the electric snap resonated in my skull, just like when you turn the power button off and on rapidly, nothing really changing as the computer does not shut to was it in my brain...i shut off and came right back on.

when i did fall asleep, i dreamt of nearly dying...what bothered me when i awoke was that i hadn't been uncomfortable or fearful whilst in the subconscious wants to kill me!

Saturday, February 14, 2004

During the American Civil War
there was a standoff somewhere near
Shenandoah where battalions of
the two armies stood behind wooden paling
merely a couple hundred yards from each other.
Each side awaited the initial artillery volley.
Every man stood in anxious motionlessness,
fearful that a hand swiping the sweat from
their faces would trigger a lead response.
As the Yanks and Confederates eyed each other
through squinting manly eyes, two cashed-out
dogs ran into the center of the battlefield and proceeded
to screw. Both sides erupted in harsh laughter, cheering
the ragged animals on. A brief unified respite.
Reality is a line (often brittle)
thickened by ever-morphing
values dependent upon
individual ideas of life
multiplied into a collective.

managed a couple hours of dream time...saw Vanilla Sky this morning at the point of desperate exhaustion...felt a little vertigo while watching Tom Cruise's character die...need to see the original...a friend had told me about it years ago...only just made the connection...but that's because i'm a dumb-ass...

I was thinking about how i saw Philadelphia yesterday...Neil Young's song came on at the end...raised all sorts of ephemeral associations...typically about the fragility of life...and the cliche precious qualities...

i make everything ugly....

News From a Distant Planet:

In the early years of space travel,
the NASA equivalent on the distant planet
funded itself entirely by bartering
with the intelligent species found
on newly explored planets.
They, however, know well enough
to avoid Earth, which has the most
persuasive hawkers in the multiverse.

staying up late and not sleeping means teletoon...there is some ingenious stuff on when the world no longer makes sense...(as if it ever did)...

CNN is particularly horrible at 5am...public interest stories of low caliber...a small dose for a hopeless addict...
Dreams are the closest
to non-atavism
that we can get.

if i don't get some real sleep soon i'm going to die....watched Philadelphia...been a few years since the last time...there was no conflict in me on that currently listening to Henry and June on tv in the other room while i type...seems that i'm doing most things in the glow of a computer screen...

apparently the singer from Coldplay endorsed John Kerry...this is one of those political concerts he has 'fair trade' written on his hands...Kerry's party is generally in favour of NAFTA and the FTAA...what a fuckwit...

Friday, February 13, 2004

Probability has its place,
but to consider it as
in relation to logic
restricts the directions
our intellectual evolution can go.

friday the 13th is much darkness tonight?
did little other than strum a guitar.

Saw a hole in reality today...was in the lobby of my building waiting for an went from the sub-basement to the 22nd floor without hitting other floors..flash it was one else noticed...
We are all prejudiced.
Want a simple test?

Take time to imagine a scene.
Perhaps a street with a crowded market.
Take a look at everyone there.

who is excluded?

more sleeplessness...have the beard to prove it...going to keep it too...been real shadylike lately...the other day i passed an overly perfumed beauty as she entered my utter contrast, i am sure she was overwhelmed by my man-musk...typical nonverbal clash of sensibilities...going to Ottawa soon, then hopefully to Montreal to see the little darling...and with no time to spare either...

Thursday, February 12, 2004

To see the future one must
only stare at ONE'S

Spent the day reading Dharma Bums and learning every damn U2 song on guitar...only because i know all the damn lyrics...the road most traveled...if it weren't for the Edge that band would be in the same ranks as Cave In...who's Cave In?...exactly...
There is no end.

was watching Much Music in a sleepless brume...No Doubt came on with that Madonnaesque's my life...or something like that...i know what my anarchist friends would say about it perpetuating an image...and other cliche's...i just like it when people put their asses on the line...Gwen Stefani does it...part of it is obviously satire...she's not afraid to look good and wretched in one shot...she was a monster in perfect angel in tear-smeared mascara...

politics will kill the artist...this is not controversial...we have voices of confirmation that extend all the way to the COSMIC EGG...
we're all searching for the big cosmic

what do you do when you can't seem to say anything? what i'm referring to is the speed at which everyone moves...i seem to move at a completely different pace...i've been told that i should do things that everyone else does so as to get into the pack...but that's just it...when one is in the pack they can't see around them...i don't care about the conformity issue...that isn't what i'm talking about...i'm referring to an inability to see into the distance while crouched in a group..hell, the conformity issue disappears after a few years outside become grateful when people are like matter how remote...there is no answer...
How articulate a person is
says nothing as to whether (or not)
they possess genius.

band practices are killer...if things don't go well, that is, if we don't completely rule, i get all upset...the last practice founds us unable to complete a newer song...

Lately i have been absolutely lost...picked up Dharma Bums for perhaps the sixth time...i always find that there is salvation in those pages...would've grabbed more Henry Miller but his optimism is shrouded by poverty (moral)...whenever anyone hears the name Kerouac...they think On the Road...Dharma Bums is much better....Off the Road by Carolyn Cassidy beats On the Road any day...

Picked up another Tom Robbins book after finishing Still Life With Woodpecker...gonna give him another shot...writing's good, but the subject matter less so...between that book and Dharma bums, also read A Moveable Feast...which is about me...fuck
In a status quo lifetime, one loses about a handful
of good friends to death. None will get truly

In a war, there interval between sorrow and
survivalist-emotional-auto-pilot is minuscule.
After a short span one becomes entirely desensitized.

In the slums of America, desensitization is a slow,
excruciating process as emotions along with lives
are bled to death.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

(To the tune of 'Battle Hymn of the Republic')

Who is the robot
that infiltrates our planet?

And plants a virus
no one sees,

But in a week
it's an empty planet,

It will be a hero
to the Beta-Thx species.

...And its name is Go-o-o-od...

(with apologies)

saw City of God last is about a poverty-stricken section of Rio in Brazil...freaking hardcore...certain scenes are burned into my memory...

been reading Still Life With Woodpecker, by Tom Robbins...a friend of mine recommended it...story is a little kooky, but the allusions are brilliant...gonna read another to get a better taste...guy is almost on par with Robert Anton Wilson...

Friday, February 06, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet the threat
of nuclear annihilation has been
solved. The "anti-bomb" was
invented some 31 spans ago.
Essentially, whenever a nuke
would be launched, the anti-nuke
be launched to intercept the threat.
By some miracle of physics the
'anti-bomb' exactly neutralizes
the activity of its shadow.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Access to information comes predominantly
from news media. Can we trust these sources?

Challenge: track back the owners of owners
of owners and see how many hands control
our access to information, and the nature of
what we hear. Then try to discern the agendas

The answers should hardly be surprising.

close call last night...wont say what...but involved death in an allegorical sense...long phone calls last that was that involved editing...also therapeutic..and one that kicked my ass...hence the close call...

my artist cousin arrives from Detroit today...should be a barn-burner of a weekend...

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet women are
fed up with premature ejaculation.
Scientists at the Erotisphere institute
have worked hard to concoct a
medication that staves off male climax
until the pheromones produced
by a female orgasm are released.
The product was met with jubilation
and for the first time in the history
of the distant planet, males and females
enjoy mutually orgasmic sex.

The death rate among male seniors,
however, has skyrocketed.
Dreams could be the
meeting point for all dimensions.

If dreams are the meeting point
for all dimensions
the abstract complexities
of dreams are explained.


i woke up today with a screenplay sitting in my head...a very simple two-person short...a non-overtly-sexual porn..a guy and a gal...she is a legendary pornstar...he is an admirer that has set up a pretext of filming a masturbation scene...but has told her that his 'benefactor' wants her to merely act as if on a date with male character...there might be possibilities...
Even the most despicable
have a soft story.

talked to a buddy who is from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire)..he was explaining the political situation seems that the president is a man not hell-bent on power..he has four vice presidents...three of which are in opposition...two that are/were rebel leaders...these vice presidents are in charge of the larger sectors of the natural resources, security, etc...this president wanted peace and was willing to take a massive power-cut to do so...that is enlightenment...

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet there is a major industry
devoted to the enhancement of the libido.
For some unknown reason the male libido
has become irascible. Males are aroused
until the moment they are ready to insert.
Overwhelming aversion know as "Coital Nausea"
ensues and the male is unable to continue.

Scientists are currently battling hard, for they
fear a dangerous subsiding of species propagation.
Complaints are the lubrication
for the machinery of revolution.

got a haircut today...the girl who worked me over was the type who aspires to be like 'J-Lo' was a meeting of binary in my green Marxist-militia style jacket...and her in her...whatever you call it...fashionista for sure....couldn't understand me..couldn't understand her...we talked about cooking potatoes....when in doubt, go with food...

Monday, February 02, 2004

To see the universe
one must first close their eyes.

been reading some plays by Miguel Pinero...the stuff is real rap...overflowing hustler-speak...definitely welcome in the Second Canon...check the titles...The Sun Always Shines for the Cool...Midnight Moon at the Greasy Spoon...Eulogy for a Small Time Thief...real
Dreams are
the colostomy bags
of reality.

saw The Last Samurai...of course, it is what it is...Tom Cruise is one vacuous character...his co-star however was tremendous...thematically the movie held strength...

PBS is airing a story on the corruption of the FCC tonight...about bloody time...

i wonder if north america is going to run through Ricin the'll see..a massive amount of gullible people...

Sunday, February 01, 2004

In almost every theology
impurity is the interference
of objects on light.

last two days have been band-intensive...the newer songs are shining...editing on friday went real well...the rest of the evening..less buddy's house is packed full of mischief..he crashed at his girlfriend's so i had his long unquiet night...

i hate football...