Monday, May 17, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet,weeds that do not choke
other vegetation are considered 'rogue flowers',
in that they are generally too moody to flower.
Earth's equivalent of the dandelion is considered to be
among the first of the rogues to switch sides.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

A tour was given me, the celestial anthropologist, resulting
in the retrieval of the distant planet's ontology. "In the beginning God was the wind, caressing the land and the people. When God's wrath would be incurred, the land was made violate by hurricane and windstorm. To be closer to the winds, the people settled near bodies of torrential water, hoping to appease their God with their presence civilization grew with this sensibility/ideology.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

The mating process among those on the distant planet
is largely governed by the female of the species.
Males are obligated to comfort and serve the whims of
the females who are in their menstrual cycle. The male
which best eases the associated difficulties are chosen
for the role of life-partner.
News From a Distant Planet:

Historians on the distant planet have unearthed
a tome regarding the burial rituals of the previous
inhabitants. When one would die, the head would be
removed and placed in an airtight jar. The jar would
then be weighted and taken far out on the ocean.
The encased head would be dropped and left behind.
It had been believed that the sea and air composed the
spirit bodies of the recent dead. The head was needed
for the brain possessed the spirit's power.

Monday, May 10, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

The origin of those from the distant planet
is told as such: a man encountered a crashed
spacecraft some 15 000 years ago. The pilot
of the craft stepped out wobbly and fell to
the ground. The man ran to his side. The pilot told
him that he was an advanced scout for a civilization
10 00 years away that intended to invade. He claimed
to be the offspring 10 000 years removed from the original
scout. Over the time he had traveled, the pilot had lost
all sense of his parent culture, and wished to warn the
distant planet of the impending attack. The pilot died
shortly thereafter. The man rushed about attempting to
tell everyone. Once the entirety of the planet was more
or less informed, they began a process of arming and
preparation. The planet underwent a colossal war measures
upheaval. Generation upon generation were dedicated to the
defense of the distant planet. By the time the invaders
had arrived, the people of the distant planet were ready.
Their people had been trained for thousands of years for
this very purpose. They were a celestial Sparta. When the
invading ships saw the amassed armies, they abandoned their
original peaceful plan, praising the forethought of their
forebears who had intended war, which the subsequent
generations had abandoned. They vaporized the population
of the distant planet in an instant. Thus is the origin
of those now dwelling on the distant planet.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet there is the odd
occurrence of encounters with U.F.O.
To ensure secrecy of the matter, authorities
have allowed those who had the encounters
to be in on all the information from other encounters.
When people are brought into the process, they
do not feel as if their stories have to be publicized.
All people really want is to be a part of something; they
want to feel important.

Newmarket days/daze...watched Plan 9 From Outer Space by Ed Wood...though celebrated as the worst movie ever made, a large budget and a number of script editors could turn it into the work of genius it could have been....

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Day #7 no longer in the face of extinction....the phone call came in...

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Day #6 in the face of my experience couples that take a 'break' either talk to each other within a week, or actually break has now been six days...what shall i infer?

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Day #5 in the face of extinction...keep waking unsure of anything...loneliness is present however...emailed the person i ran into yesterday...perhaps we'll meet...

Monday, May 03, 2004

Day #4 in the face of extinction...miserable..been thinking about my emotional lock-boxage, when i ran into an old acquaintance who perfectly symbolized this for we talked over coffee, it became clear how she perceived largely dark terms...had a minor anxiety attack on the way home...

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Day #3 in the face of extinction...thinking about day #2....was lonely and failure-feeling amongst family from afar...going nowhere...when i gave them the rundown of my future i didn't believe myself...routine answers...watched as their speculative gazes penetrated my subterfuge..have to hurry before i start losing important friends...have to deny the hermitesque dao i have tended to...i am a shaolin satellite...

so far day#3 is manic...hope to watch hockey with friends...have to include them into my life...