Friday, April 30, 2004

Day #1 in the face of extinction...called around today...apologizing for being a hermit...the first step involves admittance of guilt.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Death for child-slayers.
To wake each morning
is an example
of suicide.
A dictator in an orchard
understanding nothing.
new apartment...been awhile...listening to massive attack/underworld....kick room is a fucking freakshow of paint...gotta start over...again...steve's in mexico...a lot of work to be done...

what's with the Leafs...goddamed Philedelphia....

Thursday, April 22, 2004

To achieve totality,
one must gaze into
the dark areas
of their psyche.
Das Reich Der Zwei
(Nation of Two)
Part 2:

The reason one only remembers
the negative aspects of a relationship
once it has passed is due primarily
to the rubble of the abandoned 'third
essence'. When one sees the rubble,
immediately search for the source of
its destruction--the negative aspects.

repair paint job...has to work...if not...out the one for Leafs/Flyers...goddamned Philly...
The root of problems
tend to go back further
than we would like to look.

the Leafs did it...and i will age further...on to the second round...painted the new apartment...a fucking disaster...60 bucks in paint in vain..back to square zero...

Saturday, April 17, 2004

I'm sorry,
so sorry.
If you are judgmental,
then you are damned.
sorry folks...
but i couldn't
help being
a sucker...
I love you all,
simply because
you are not me.
I'm no more
and no less
than every one.
I'm a prisoner of every
attempt at free will.
Everyone is
a complete fucking sucker....
just watch and see....
Just because one is vaguely
inebriated, doesn't mean
one is entirely susceptible
to change.

the Leafs won....God bless 'em....if not...i would be drowning in sorrows for months to come...

Friday, April 16, 2004

Voting isn't the end all be all
of democratic institutions.

i started watching hockey some years ago to counter depression...i'm not a big sports guy in general...i have fallen in love with the Toronto Maple Leafs...the problem has arisen however that i get terribly upset when they get knocked out of the playoffs...last year they were out in round took me at least a month to recover...
Things go down
and no one will ever know.
The freshest forms
of genuine avant
garde art will be
increasingly disturbing.
It is erroneously natural
to assume that any alien
race will embody traits
that we either aspire
to or are in terror of.

Leafs must win tonight...if not...fuck...

Thursday, April 15, 2004

The first American government,
a cabinet under Washington,
was selected on lines according
to ability. Very little was
accomplished due to major
schisms. Upon retirement,
Washington warned of the
dangers of partisanship.
News From a Distant Planet:

On the distant planet there are
no elected leaders. A computer
systems selects political and indeed
all varieties of leadership based upon
aptitude scanning. The brightest
are the heads in all fields.
Statistics will never prove
what is good for humanity.

Leafs lost...things look a little grim...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Certainty is Foolery.
Embrace paranoia.
There is no singularity....
There is no duality.....
There can only be multiplicity....
War is as much a relic
of societal barbarism
as dueling was for
the individual.

will Iraq sink the administration?????
The larger the game,
the more desperate the outcome.

the Toronto Maple Leafs look like they are going to ride their goalie to the big game...

Thursday, April 08, 2004

News From a Distant Planet:

In a major catastrophe, certain young
family members of the Tri-Planetary Council
have taken to "buzzing" the planet Earth.
The ramifications of this are huge, certainly
setting back the possibility of contact
for at least an Aeon.

The largest fault of the left
has been to allow themselves
to be classified in generic terms.

The largest fault of the right
has been to exist period.

smokin' day in the political world...Rice survives 9/11 commission...barely...Ben-Veniste, Kerrey, and Roemer nearly ate her...but she is a smart seems that the culpability will be found in the intelligence community...the Bush administration will be scolded...which is bad news for them as the catastrophe in Iraq continues....

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Those who resist a given system
must be made aware of the fact
that they are a necessary product
of the system they battle against.

26 soon...getting old...i feel more like 52...of a wizened mind...not literally...actually that doesn't make any sense....
Humour is the ultimate
end of enlightenment.

Condoleeza Rice to testify gets the sense that the administration hangs upon her ability to smooth things out...

The guys and i have found a place a bit south of where we are now...we picked numbers out of a hat to figure who gets what room...i had first choice...i am eternally lucky...

Friday, April 02, 2004

There is certainly very little
to suggest that there is
only one or two.

can't get A Mighty Wind out of my head...Eugene Levy is a too is Catherine O'Hara...

"Whoever wants music instead of noise, joy instead of pleasure, soul instead of gold, creative work instead of business, passion instead of foolery, finds no home in this trivial world of ours." -Hermann Hesse.
We are always thinking
in terms of a dichotomy.
It should be entirely obvious
that everything can be made
into nebulous super-clusters.

tyme fer thuh olde playoff-bearden...

Thursday, April 01, 2004

There are none in hell
that are pure evil.

looked at an apartment today...rainy and miserable...nothing to be done...can only hope for brighter days/daze...
Evil is anything
that must be embraced
just to stay alive.

Steppenwolf...i don't know how Hesse did it, but i am he...never have i encounter such a concise explanation of myself...